Team Antigua Island Girls are on a path to making history again. On June 12, they set out to ROW (not sail) from California to Hawaii across the Pacific Ocean in what is billed as the most dangerous race. If they succeed, they will be the first all-black female team ever to do it and they hail from the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda.

As we celebrate June as Caribbean-American History Month we encourage you to watch their journey, pray for them and consider donating to help them make modern history. GO Team Antigua Island Girls!

Team Antigua Island Girls is comprised of Elvira Bell, Christal Clashing, Samara Emmanuel, Kevinia Francis, and Junella King. Collectively, they are four athletes and a skipper.  Team Antigua Island Girls have set their sights on being the top female contenders and among the top five overall.

In 2018, after rowing more than 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean from La Gomera, in the Canary Islands, the Team Antigua Island Girls landed in English Harbour, Antigua, on Jan. 28. The four women became the first all-black team to row across an ocean and the first all-women team to represent the Caribbean in a transoceanic row.

The women have selected Cottage of Hope as their charity. Cottage of Hope is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 that houses and/or serves girls who have been abused, neglected or orphaned.

Now they have taken on the Pacific Ocean as their next challeng, rowing for country and charity, seeking to establish a home for girls in conflict with the law.

Please donate at…/team-antigua-island… and Caribbean Union Bank, Acct # 20004631. You may also call their support team at 736-6068.

Best wishes to the entire fleet!

(Photo credit World’s Toughest Row)