With the recent tragic incidents and deaths of Black citizens, including George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, we are encouraging you to share your personal thoughts, frustrations or concerns to your local chief or law enforcement officer. Below is a listing of the police chiefs for various municipalities across Florida. We have also provided a draft letter that you could adapt to communicate your personal sentiments.


Dear Chief__________________:
I am writing to you to express my concern and outrage over the senseless killing of Black people in different instances within the last months across our nation. As someone with the authority and power to enforce the laws of my local community, I am imploring you to emphatically convey to the members of your department the proper professional conduct mandated under your policies and the Constitution of the United States.
More specifically, I urge you to assert that policing training or conduct does not justify inhumane action against any citizen. I especially hope that members of your department will not enforce the laws differently against Black citizens. In the event of any such actions, I hope that your office will act swiftly and firmly in preserving the most important civil right of the right to life.
I am entrusting you to ensure that these tragedies are not repeated ever again anywhere in our local communities. Thank you for your service.